Change - an inevitable phenomenon


One of the great Greek Philosophers: Heraclitus said, "Change is the only constant in life". Unknowingly we are experiencing many psychophysical changes in our lives. Everybody wants to lead a happy life but very few are ready to come out of their comfort zone and opt for change. 

Imagine a situation that you have newly joined a famous multinational company and you came across a more than a decade old established process in your department, which you feel can be improved. You approach your boss with an improvisation. What do you think, what will be his reaction? In more than 90 percent cases he will defend the existing process and rule out the change. Many a time it is difficult for a person to bring a small change in his personal life then what to speak of a change in a multinational company with decades of established processes.

Why is human mind so reluctant to change ? 

Everybody knows change is an inevitable part of our life. It is quite rewarding as well. Although we understand the importance of change, why are we so rigid to opt for a change ?

Neurological reasons : 

In the book "Power of Habits" Charles Duhigg neurologically explains how our brain functions while executing the habituated routine and a new activity. Our brain performs any activity in a three step loop : Cue, routine and reward. At the beginning of any activity, our brain searches for a specific habit or a similar pattern stored in it. If it finds one, our brain switches to an automatic mode, where the routine is executed without much mental activity. If it does not find a similar pattern then it has to be active throughout the whole process. Just remember that first time you drove on the street. The brain has to perform many calculations, analysis, pattern finding, new pattern generation, many feedback loops, storing the new information, etc. At the end of every activity the brain looks for the reward. Depending on the reward, brain decides whether to store this information for future actions or not. Therefore as in the case of change, our brain has to perform rigorous activities, which is why we tend to avoid the change.    

Emotional reasons :
We are also reluctant to change for emotional reasons. We have fear of failure, we have social pressures, we have defined our own frame of character and don't want to disturb it. Endless reasons can be given to avoid a CHANGE.

Two Types:
A change can be broadly classified into two: a Passive change and an Active change. Now let's discuss them in brief.

Passive change: 

Many times passive change is forced upon us. Generally speaking it is unavoidable and is a byproduct of our surrounding and our old deeds (Karma). We don't have much control on it. For example due to global recession, when someone loses his job or a sudden disease or a death of the person in the family, or a uninvited road accident, etc. Such a change is shocking and inevitably be accepted. 

Active change : 

When a person by introspecting opt for a change is called an active change. Most of the times it is voluntary. It may be positive or negative. Positive change is the one which impact person's life positively. For example : When a person sees he is overweight, he make changes in his diet, he starts workout. Or when a person sees he is lacking in some specific skillset at job, starts to learn new skills by putting extra efforts on learning in the evening or on the weekends.  

There are some changes which impact life of a person or the society negatively. For example for sake of false prestige in the society or fake sense gratification, they accept generally abominable activities. There are some leaders in the society for the sake of their own selfish interests, lead the society towards negative change like terrorism, criminality etc. 

What if a person is not courageous to face and accept the change ?

There is every chance that such a person due to sudden change in his surroundings gets shocked. His panicky leads him on the path of stress, depression, envy, anger and finally developing a tendency to avoid any change. Such a person becomes pessimistic towards life and never wants to leave his comfort zone. He tries to avoid change as much as possible. 

Behavior of a Leader

Optimism and open-mindedness are the eyes of change, and courage is the drive for change. In the society we see, the people who are courageous to make the positive change are honored, termed as leaders and many people like to follow them. Because they are the ones who pave the way towards change. 

Generally routine activities is boring, monotonous, and mechanical and hence less rewarding. That is why society honors those who shows new ways to achieve success, happiness and contentment. But after following the new path for some time, again it will also become monotonous. And again a person or a society starts looking for the change. That is why it is said change is the only constant in life. 

It is never too late: 

We can always opt for change, it is never too late. In "The top 5 regrets of the dying" Bronnie Ware says the most common regret of the dying people is that, "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me". If you really don't want to face this regret at the time of death, it is never too late. Introspect and adopt. 

In summary: 

Change needs : courage, energy, enthusiasm, flexibility, adaptivity 
Change gives : self-confidence, fighting spirit, sense of accepting failure, great rewards.   


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